1 September 2021

Lotterywest shares hot Superdraw numbers and locations

In the lead up to this weekend’s $20 million Saturday Lotto Superdraw, Lotterywest has analysed the results of the last 10 Superdraws to determine a list of the most frequently drawn numbers.

A Superdraw is when the weekly Saturday Lotto Division One prize pool of an estimated $5 million, is bumped up to a $20 million offer.

Over the last 18 months the number 9 has been the most popular number in a Superdraw, drawn five times, while the numbers 13, 19, 22 and 32 have all come in a close second drawn four times.

Coming in equal third position is the number 41, which has been drawn in the last three Superdraws.

Lotterywest also announced that south of the river has outscored the north six to four for metro Division One winners in these Superdraws.

“Secret Harbour has claimed top spot in WA producing two Division One wins,” said Lotterywest spokesperson Hermione Coleman.

So, what does all of this mean for this weekend’s Superdraw?

According to Ms Coleman not a whole lot as Lotto luck can strike anywhere with any numbers.

“All of the equipment, including the numbered balls are rigorously tested and regularly audited to ensure that each draw result is random,” she said.

“I think that is the one of the best things about playing our lottery games, you never know when Lotto luck might strike.”

Tickets for this weekend’s Superdraw are available until 6pm draw day from Lotterywest in-store, online or via the app.


Media Enquiries Hermione Coleman: 9488 6227 / 0438 996 884