Celebrating 90 years and millions of wins

This year, we’re celebrating our story. A story that we began writing over 90 years ago with a single theme in mind: to change the lives of people and communities across WA through the Lotto and grant making.

Since 1933, Lotterywest has played a pivotal role in our community, proudly supporting a significant number of health, arts, sports, and community organisations across the state, and we have the WA community to thank for making it all possible.

We continue to be the only Government owned and operated lottery in Australia where all available profits are returned directly to the community in the form of grants, and we’ll continue to support our state, and the people within it turn their dreams into reality.

Learn more about our story by watching the video – and check out our historical timeline for some interesting facts.



The Lotteries Act was established, our first draw was held at Perth Hall and we started supporting WA through grants.

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We had 800 agents selling Lotto across WA and our grants diversified.

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1950s and 1960s

1950s and 1960s

In our 21 years to 1954, is estimated that around £4,000,000 was distributed throughout WA.

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Manual draws were replaced with computerized random number generator, we had our first million-dollar lottery and lots more!

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1980s and 1990s

1980s and 1990s

We celebrated our $1 billionth dollar going to the WA community, opened our 8th Lotteries House in WA and crowned our 78th Division 1 winner.

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We relaunched with the name ‘Lotterywest’ in 2004 and a number of games became available to WA players.

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