10 November 2023

Lotterywest powers up Pride WA

PrideFest continues to grow as a celebration truly for everyone, with even greater accessibility this year thanks to a Lotterywest grant.

The inclusive event is expanding its reach with entertainment that can be enjoyed by all, with Lotterywest’s grant supporting a new Disability Zone.

The zone will be home to a range of inclusive entertainment experiences, accessible sports and performers with disability lived experience including drag queens, DJs and storytellers.

It is expected more than 75,000 people will attend PrideFEST events this month, embracing this year’s theme ‘Brave’.

Lotterywest and Healthway A/CEO Jeremy Hubble said funding of $165,000 will contribute to Pride’s Fairday at Hyde Park, which includes a new Disability Zone and the Pride Parade in Northbridge,

“First and foremost, Lotterywest is proud to be an ally,” Mr Hubble said.

“As an organisation that funds WA community groups working to create safe and inclusive spaces, our support for Pride WA makes complete sense, they are a force for equal rights, visibility and respect.

“Lotterywest’s support for the new Disability Zone aims to boost accessibility and inclusion through the power of inclusive entertainment experiences, accessible sports and performers with disability lived experience.”

”Pride WA are proud to have partnered with the Living Proud Queer and Accessible team to deliver the inaugural Queer Disability Pride Zone,” Dr Lauren Butterly, CEO Pride WA said.

“We encourage everyone to come along to Fairday and experience accessible sport and fabulous performers with disability lived experience including drag queens, DJs and storytellers.”

“This year’s PrideFEST theme is Be Brave. Be Strong. Be You!

“That’s a theme that every one of us can embrace – our LGBTQIA+ community shows bravery and strength to be themselves everyday, and our allies show their bravery and strength by standing up for a more inclusive society.

“A huge thank you to Lotterywest for helping to make PrideFEST more diverse and inclusive every year.”

For more than 25 years Lotterywest has supported Pride WA with 17 grants totalling more than $1.5 million.

You can learn more about PrideFest here.

Media Enquiries:
Sarah Dawson, James Mooney and Emma Rogers
0438 996 884