The security and safety of your Lotterywest membership account is a top priority for Lotterywest. It is also important that you protect yourself from possible fraudulent activity. 

Lotterywest has processes in place that ensure your identity and financial details are secure. We use an Extended Validation Certificate (EV), an X.509 public key certificate issued according to a specific set of identity verification criteria to secure your online transactions with us. 

To obtain an EV, Lotterywest underwent extensive verification by the Certificate Authority (CA). The EV signifies that Lotterywest has passed an identity authentication process. Lotterywest has been issued an Extended Validation Certificate by a CA under the EV guidelines, and with a CA-specific policy identifier so that EV-aware software can recognise the certificate. 

The EV will trigger your browser address to display a green bar that when clicked on will display Lotterywest's company name and address (the organisation that owns this website). This signifies that you are dealing with Lotterywest. You can click on this bar to display a message box which confirms that Lotterywest is 'Identified by Thawte', the certificate authority that issued this EV Certificate. A padlock should appear in this message box. This confirms that your connection to our site is encrypted and secure. 

All credit card transactions are processed by BPOINT via the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, which means Lotterywest will not access your card details or retain them as part of their operating system.
