Lotterywest grant conditions and documents must be signed by the persons legally able to enter into contracts on behalf of your organisation. We refer to these persons as the legal signatories.

Where your Organisation is an incorporated or unincorporated association, this document must be signed by the Chairperson/President of the Organisation and another committee member.

Where your Organisation is a company/corporation, this document is signed in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 or section 99.5 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (whichever is applicable) by:

(a) two Directors; or

(b) a Director and a Company Secretary; or

(c) as our company/corporation has only one Director, that Director

Your organisation’s legal signatory may choose to give this responsibility to someone else within your organisation - we refer to this person as the ‘Delegated Authority’. If this is the case for your organisation, you need to complete our Delegated Signing Authority Form. A copy is available here.

Please note: you only need to complete this form once and it will remain on our records for future grant applications. You will only need to complete this form again if your legal signatory or ‘Delegated Authority’ changes.
