18 July 2019

Sorrento retirees hit the $1 million Lotto jackpot

An alarming scream from a Sorrento retiree will remain in his wife’s head forever.
Just moments following the outburst, she found her husband clutching their weekly Monday Lotto ticket in their family living room.
The ticket in his hand, netted the couple in their 70s a cool $1 million prize, having bought it from Whitford City newsXpress in Hillarys just days earlier.
The wife admitted her husband’s scream scared her into expecting the worst, wondering whether it was her husband injuring himself, or their beloved 18-year old dog.

“When I heard him, I thought to myself “Oh my, our little old dog must’ve died,” she said.
“It wasn’t the dog thankfully,” she laughed.
“I ran over to see if everything was okay and he shouted “I’ve won the Lotto!”
To be sure, the wife checked the ticket at least 10 times, until the million-dollar news began to sink in.

The husband said he’d been playing Lotto for almost 40 years and had always chosen his own numbers.
Three years ago, he changed his numbers and eventually, changed his luck enough  to become a millionaire.
“I was grappling with one number on the ticket because I thought I’d used it too many times,” he said.
“If I’d wiped that number ‘21’ off the ticket – God almighty!”
The couple said they’re in no rush to spend their new found wealth, but it will give them the chance to enjoy the more comfortable things life has to offer.
“Travel is something we’d like to do – maybe a cruise around Europe,” she said.
“We’ve been discussing house upgrades or a new car too.
“We’re going to continue enjoying the right now though.” 


Media Enquiries Jennie Fitzhardinge & Hermione Coleman: 9488 6227 / 0438 996 884