16 August 2021

Lotterywest waiting on winners from Perth’s north and south

Saturday Lotto has produced another Western Australian winner, this time from Lakelands Newsagency in Yangebup.
The ticket was one of eight tickets that matched the numbers to a Division One prize throughout the country and is now worth more than $797,000.
Lotterywest spokesperson James Mooney said Saturday’s draw also produced a Super 66 Division One winner, with that prize worth more than $125,000 and produced via a Lotterywest membership online.
“This means WA is now home to 49 Division One winners for 2021,” Mr Mooney said.
“Lotterywest is still waiting to hear from the owner of a Division One prize from Saturday’s previous draw.
“The unclaimed ticket from Newpark Lottery Centre and News in Girrawheen, is worth $2 million.
“So, thanks to this draw, we are chasing unclaimed tickets from Perth’s north and south.”
The next major chance for WA players is Tuesday’s $10 million OZ Lotto jackpot.
When you play Lotterywest games, you’re also supporting the WA community.
Earlier this year, the Miya Kaadadjiny (Learning Sanctuary) Community Centre, received an almost $100,000 Lotterywest grant for renovations at the centre which is helping with the learning and sharing of Aboriginal cultural activities.
Media Enquiries James Mooney: 9488 6227 / 0438 996 884