19 June 2023

Lotterywest grant supports housing for homelessness

A Lotterywest grant of $2.2 million has supported St Patrick’s Community Support Centre (St Pat’s) and My Home on their project, which builds homes for people who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness in Western Australia.

Last Monday, 18 new homes for older women experiencing homelessness in the Fremantle area were unveiled, with the keys handed over to local community housing provider St Pat’s.

The residents will be moving into the North Fremantle homes from the end of June 2023.

St Pat’s CEO Michael Piu said this project highlights that when the public, private and community sectors work together, we can create new, sustainable long-term homes for people experiencing homelessness, at reduced cost to the taxpayer.

“Being able to offer older women a long-term home is the best result we could ask for, and we’re so proud to have been able to partner with “My Home” on this project," Mr Piu said.

Lotterywest A/CEO Jeremy Hubble attended the opening of the new homes and said the $2.2 million commitment towards the project was testament to Lotterywest’s 30-year history supporting St Pat’s.

“Every Western Australian has their own struggles and unique circumstances, but we all deserve to have a roof over our head and feel safe,” Mr Hubble said.

“It’s fantastic to see firsthand how Lotterywest’s support has helped establish 18 homes aimed at swiftly addressing accommodation shortages for women in need.”


Media enquiries: Sarah Dawson and James Mooney 0438 996 884