18 January 2021

Lotterywest funding to support volunteer research and training

Volunteering Minister Mick Murray has today announced more than $848,000 in Lotterywest funding towards research, development and training for three Western Australian volunteer-involving organisations.


A grant of $600,948 to Lifeline WA (Living Stone Foundation) will fund a research project looking at the safety and efficacy of volunteers working from home. Lifeline WA commenced operating in 1994, using trained volunteers to deliver a 24-hour counselling and support service, assisting Western Australians experiencing personal crises or contemplating suicide.


Chorus Australia will use their grant of $198,450 to develop a training package designed to strengthen community capacity and disability, aged care and mental health services. Chorus works to enable people to live the life they choose in their own home and community.


Volunteering WA (Volunteer Centre of Western Australia) will use their grant of $48,800 in research and development of good practise in volunteering in the aged-care sector. The organisation represents volunteering across the State, including all volunteer involving organisations, and the 545,800 volunteers that support them.

Click here to read the full statement