8 December 2023

Karen Brown appointed to Lotterywest Board

Lotterywest is pleased to announce Ms Karen Brown has been appointed to its Board of Commissioners, effective 4 December 2023.

Ms Brown offers significant media, public service and business proficiency to the Board. 

During a 16-year media career she was the first woman to serve in the roles of Chief of Staff and Deputy Editor at The West Australian and WA Editor at The Australian.

After a successful media career, Ms Brown occupied roles as a consultant and advisor across various industries providing crisis, communication and strategy advice.

Lotterywest Chair Professor Peter Klinken AC welcomed Ms Brown’s appointment.

“Ms Brown’s expertise across government, media and policy means she is well-placed to provide a valuable contribution to Lotterywest’s Board,” he said. 

“Lotterywest is an important grant giver for community groups, not for profit organisations and beyond.”

Ms Brown’s board and committee experience spans a range of organisations including Royal Flying Doctor Service, South Metropolitan Health Service, Australian Press Council, Women’s Legal Service WA and Cannings Purple. 

She fills the vacated seat of Professor Kingsley Dixon AO, a renowned botanist and 2016 Western Australian Scientist of the Year.

Professor Dixon has retired from Lotterywest’s Board after serving since 2017.

Professor Klinken acknowledged outgoing Commissioner Professor Dixon for his substantial contribution to Lotterywest.    

"I’d like to thank and congratulate Professor Dixon for sharing his considerable expertise and dedication to Lotterywest over the past six years.

“Professor Dixon’s commitment to, and knowledge of conservation and local community matters have been highly valued. He has made a significant contribution to Lotterywest and the community during his time on the Board, for which we are deeply grateful.” 


Media Enquiries:
Sarah Dawson, James Mooney and Emma Rogers
0438 996 884