12 December 2019

Carnarvon’s Christmas Chase

Someone in Carnarvon is potentially missing out on the Christmas of their dreams.
Twelve days after the draw, a Saturday Lotto ticket from Carnarvon Lottery News and Gifts worth close to $588,000, is still unclaimed.
The owner of the unregistered ticket from the draw on 30 November was one of two winners, including a near miss that turned into a fortune for a Landsdale couple.
Lotterywest spokesperson Jennie Fitzhardinge said the unregistered ticket means who or where the ticket holder is remains a mystery.
“If the player was a Lotterywest member we would be able to contact them and urge them to come in and claim their prize,” Ms Fitzhardinge said.
“Each day is now a waiting game to see if the player comes forward to claim what would be a wonderful Christmas present.
“There are still plenty of chances to become a multimillionaire this week, with Powerball at $12 million tonight.”
Thanks to our players, the past year has seen Lotterywest’s grants program provide more than $1.2 million towards not-for-profit groups in Carnarvon.
For media enquires please contact Senior Public Relations Officers Hermione Coleman or Jennie Fitzhardinge T: 9488 6227
 M: 0438 996 884 E: publicrelations@lotterywest.wa.gov.au