We can support a range of not-for-profit organisation structures including Incorporated Associations, not-for-profit companies, Aboriginal Corporations and unincorporated associations.

During assessment, or as part of your initial enquiry, we will determine your not-for-profit status and look for evidence of good governance. Good governance is required to ensure your organisation is well managed and operated with community involvement and support for what you do. This helps provide confidence that the grant will be responsibly and reliably managed, that there is support for what you do and that the project will effectively be delivered for the approved purpose to benefit the WA community.

To help us understand your organisation’s governance arrangements we typically ask you to provide us with your organisation’s constitution, rules or equivalent documents (including governance arrangements), and a list of Directors/Board Members and members/shareholders/owners. Relevant information can also be found in documents such as minutes from Board or Management meetings, policies and codes of conduct.

The following links provide information to help provide guidance on good governance:
